The best carnivals in Spain

As you may know, Rio de Janeiro's carnivals are the most famous in the world. It is a party that lasts for days and the whole city is transformed and filled with light and colour.
But Spain also has good carnivals that are worth a visit. Especially in some cities, the carnivals are really interesting. Let's see which are the best carnivals in Spain.

The best carnivals in Spain to visit

Carnival is celebrated between the months of February and March, as the dates vary depending on the year. During the celebration of this festival, humour, parodies and costumes invade the streets of the cities and towns of Spain, each with its own traditions. Carnival 2022 will take place between 25 February and 2 March.  Let's take a look at some of the most popular and recommended carnivals.

Cádiz. Cadiz is the carnival of the comparsas, choirs and chirigotas, which are critical songs composed by the different groups that take part in the festival. It is an atmosphere of freedom and fun in this festival declared to be of International Tourist Interest.

Tenerife has one of the most important carnivals in the world, also declared of International Tourist Interest. The parades are unique and the fantasy and beauty of the costumes of the aspiring Queen of the event surprise everyone. Music, rhythm and joy are the three adjectives of this celebration that attracts people from all over the world. This year, the Carnival is exceptionally moved to June.

Another of the best known carnivals, and also of International Tourist Interest, is that of Águilas, a coastal town in Murcia. It is a colourful festival, with a multitude of parades and competitions. Two of its traditions stand out. On the one hand, the throwing of "cascarones" (eggs filled mainly with small pieces of paper), and on the other, drinking "cuerva", a drink that many describe as the "magic potion" that awakens the carnival spirit.

The carnivals of Badajoz, Villarrobledo, La Bañeza, Toro, Miguelturra, Herencia and La Vijanera, in Cantabria, are also highly recommended. All of them are also of National Tourist Interest.
This year, talk to your colleagues at the Spanish academy and get to know some of the best carnivals in Spain and enjoy the joy.

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