
How is the weather in Madrid?

Learning spanish Learning Spanish in Madrid?  Madrid is a city with a unique charm and must be seen and enjoyed at different times of the year. In summer it has a beautiful magic, with its crowded streets and bars full of people. In winter, the grand road is covered with lights and an incredible Christmas atmosphere.Madrid is […]

The best squares in Madrid

spanish classes in madrid One of the things you have to do if you are learning Spanish in Madrid is get lost in its beautiful streets and charming squares. Madrid has a unique charm that you will only discover if you decide to stroll aimlessly and devote a day to falling in love with its secrets.The squares of Madrid […]

Walking around “el barrio de las letras”

If you are learning Spanish in Madrid, it is important that you know “el barrio de las letras”. This area is delimited by the Paseo del Prado, Atocha, Carrera de San Jerónimo and Carretas street.At every step it’s advisable to be attentive so as not to miss the countless historical and literary winkers that we […]

Beach in Madrid?

beach after spanish class As the musical group of The Refrescos said, “There is no beach here”. Madrid has a unique charm. Getting lost in the center streets is so wonderful. Its people are incomparable. It has one of the best nightlife in Spain and is a city full of possibilities. But in summer all his people flees to […]
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