DELE exam with us

It doesn’t matter if you need a DELE certificate for work, studies, bureaucracy or if you only want it to prove your Spanish level, DELE exam is an official Spanish exam, really easy to take, and more important: really easy to prepare with us!

We are an examination center for DELE exams so you can easily apply in our center for the exam (we can help you with the application) and why don’t you use the fact that we are a Spanish school to get some classes before?

What are the benefits?

First, the day of the DELE exam, you’ll know the school: infrastructure, staff and teachers and this, for sure will give you confidence and serenity! You’ll be more relaxed the day of the exam seeing us!

Secondly, we have all the tips to help you to pass! Our teachers have prepared many students who have passed the DELE exam with success. We will give you all the material and exercises you need to get ready! We’ll personalize the classes and adapt the lessons to your needs.

And last but not least: we will cheer you up during the preparation with the Spanish course and the day of the DELE exam as well!

Go for it!


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