Why start studying Spanish in September - Academia Contacto

Why start studying Spanish in September

September is a month to start. It's a good time to start new challenges, new learning, etc. Let's see why it is a good idea to start studying Spanish.

If you have been thinking about studying Spanish for some time, but have not yet decided to take the plunge, this year could be the big year, what do you think? You can start your Spanish classes in September with us. We are going to give you some reasons why studying Spanish should be on your list of resolutions this September. Here we go...

Reasons to start studying Spanish 

It is a language that is spoken by 400 million people.  It is second only to English. You would open many doors to meet and communicate with many people, even in your own city there are many Spanish speakers.

Spanish allows you to travel through more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries and discover the richness of their cinema, literature, music, architecture and the immense variety of their gastronomy. According to the British Council report "Languages for the Future", Spanish is the most necessary foreign language in all areas. It is the easiest to learn and speaking it will also open the door to other Romance languages.

Spanish is the second most used language on the Internet, in social networks and on the official portals of international organizations, behind only English.

Spain is synonymous with sun, happiness, good food, culture, sports, tradition, friendliness and proximity. For all these reasons, coming to study Spanish is much more than just learning a language. It is having fun, meeting interesting people, eating delicious food, partying and enjoying its culture.

Studying in an academy like ours offers you a guarantee of success. In addition, we have courses for all levels and classes with native speakers are a lot of fun. 

The Cervantes Institute endorses our academy.  It is the only center of its kind officially created and approved by the Spanish government. It is the largest organization in the world dedicated to the teaching of Spanish. With more than 70 centers it is present in more than 30 different countries.

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