Spanish vocabulary: word “estrenar”

If you are learning Spanish, you have probably already noticed that it is a language with a lot of vocabulary. In Spain there are many synonyms and the same word has several meanings. However, when we decide to create a phrase in another language, instead of thinking in that language, we usually translate from our own language. It's a very common mistake in Spanish vocabulary. What we must do is think directly in that language.

However, sometimes you will find words that don’t have an exact translation in your language. Therefore, the best way to learn to use it is to understand its meaning. This is something that you can find in the Spanish vocabulary. One example of this, is what happens with the word "estrenar”. What exactly is the meaning of "estrenar"?

Spanish vocabulary: the word with many meanings "estrenar"

"Estrenar" means the beginning of something, or for the first time. However, although this is its translation, in Spain it is used in many different contexts. However, in English we don’t have a word for its translation. Therefore, if you are learning Spanish, we are going to give you some examples so that you can understand its meaning and learn how to use the word "estrenar".

  • You use the word “estrenar” when you are going to use something for the first time.

For example:

The sentence "I'm going to wear these shoes for the first time.", in spanish is “Voy a estrenar estos zapatos”. To wear for the first time = estrenar

The sentence “I'm going to use the new brush you gave me.”, in spanish is “voy a estrenar el cepillo que me regalaste”. To use (for the first time) = estrenar”.

  • The word "estrenar" is also used when you put a film in the cinema for the first time or a play in the theatre.

For example:

The sentence “next week the film will be released in the cinema.”, in spanish is “La semana que viene se estrena la película en el cine”. Will be released = estrenará

  • The word “estrenar” is also used when we are going to do something for the first time.

For example:

 The sentence “tomorrow I'll make my captain's debut.”, in spanish is “mañana me estreno como capitán”. Will debut = estrenar

  • You also use the word "brand new" to say that something is completely new, unused.

For example:

The sentence “I have a lot of new clothes at home.”, in spanish is “tengo mucha ropa sin estrenar en casa”. Have a lot of new clothes = ropa sin estrenar.

If you are doing a Spanish course at a language school, your teacher has probably explained to you how to use the word "estrenar". We are in one of those times when Spanish has a "magical" word for a lot of meanings.

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