How Spaniards speak: popular expressions

If you are learning Spanish, surely one of the most complicated things to learn are the expressions of the Spanish people. The way the Spanish speak is curious. They use many expressions and set phrases. You probably have trouble understanding them sometimes. Most likely they are using expressions. That's why we're going to tell you some tricks to help you understand the Spanish people speak.

Spanish is a very rich language linguistically. It has expressions that only Spanish speakers understand. What's more, if you listen to them you probably won't understand them. Most of this popular expressions in Spanish cannot be translated. That's why we leave you with a survival guide with tricks to understand how the Spanish speak.

Popular expressions in Spanish to understand how spaniards speak

  • "Dormir la mona” = Sleeping it off: This expression is used by the Spanish when you are drunk and fall asleep anyway or when they recommend you to do it: "what you have to do is go to sleep it off".
  • "Montar un pollo" (impossible to translate into English) It would be literally written as Riding a chicken: It is said when someone has ridden a very fat chick. Normally without coming too much to a story or when in a normal discussion has come up.
  • "Poner los cuernos" has a lot to do with feeling like a deer. It's textbook infidelity. "Cheating" is its most common translation in English, although the Spanish expression is funnier.
  • “Manda huevos”: this Spanish saying doesn't mean you send food through the mail. It means you don't like something. You don't like that and it's over. Literally in English it would be Send eggs.
  • "Estar metido en el ajo" (to be in the garlic): You've messed up, my friend. It means something happened and you're part of the problem. How the Spanish speak is very direct.
  • “Estar metido en todos los fregados” ( To be in all the messes): The same, but in the plural.
  • “Que te den morcilla” is similar to "Fuck you": I don't even know how to translate this expression into English. It has nothing to do with you going on a binge. It's a form of contempt. They're telling you they want nothing to do with you.


Other expressions that may sound bad...

  • Joder la marrana” (Fuck the sow): means that you like to annoy and bother.
  • “Echar un polvo” : Express sex and a little bit of a beast.
  • “Echar un Kiki”: 'Kiki' comes from the English word 'Quicky'. Same thing, but even faster. "Here I catch you, here I kill you."
  • “Faltarte dos veranos” (Missing two summers): It's not that you've missed two summers of your unmissable date with Benidorm, it's that you do strange and unusual things. That you do not know.
  • “Comerse el coco” (Eating the coconut) It's a Spanish expression that has nothing to do with eating. It means you're thinking a lot about it.. Let yourself go.

How the Spanish speak is amazing. It has very funny and unusual expressions in other languages. If the Spanish are very funny.

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