Tips, games and tricks for practicing Spanish

At times like these, when you cannot leave your home, it is possible to continue practicing Spanish. In addition, it is also recommended that you do so when you are on vacation or when you are not in class. Practicing a language is fundamental to consolidate it.

Spanish is a very rich language, with a lot of vocabulary and synonyms. Verbal tenses are difficult to learn, so it is highly recommended that you practice Spanish in your free time. This way you will be able to speak and express yourself more fluently.  On the contrary, the easiest thing about Spanish is that it is pronounced just like it is written. So when you speak it will be easier for you to remember the words.

In order for you to practice Spanish and consolidate your learning, we give you some tips and recommendations to do at home. Learn with your family, friends or partner. 

Tips for pacticing Spanish at home

  • Movies and series. A simple and effective way is to watch TV in Spanish. It is also fun because you can watch movies or series that you like and practice your Spanish. You can put the subtitles on or, if you have an advanced level, try to practice without them.
  • Play the teacher.  As if you were in the Spanish academy, you have to explain a subject to the rest of the family. For example, the verb "to be" and its tenses. This way you will all review the lesson, and you will also practice Spanish in conversation. It's a fun and dynamic way to practice.
  • Playing "I Spy".  Especially if you have small children this game is a lot of fun to practicing Spanish. Or it will help everyone to learn vocabulary.  You can do it with objects from home, with phrases, etc,
  • Make a collage.  Choose a theme and you can make cut-outs, drawings, Spanish phrases... It will be like a craft workshop in which to practice Spanish.
  • Imitations of films or characters. With mime play to represent a movie or a famous character and guess who it is. Obviously, always in Spanish. 

There are no more excuses for practicing Spanish at home. Play and have fun while learning new vocabulary and practicing the language

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