Practice Spanish: the most used words at Christmas

Do you want to practice Spanish? Are you going to spend Christmas in Spain? These are the words you will hear most often at Christmas if you live in Spain.

The most used words at Christmas in Spain

Navidad is Christmas.

Papá Noel is Santa Claus.

Portal de Belén i the Nativity secene., and and it is the same as belén. In Spanish this word is used interchangeably. But, as you know, Spanish has many synonyms and a very rich vocabulary. That is why you may also hear "pesebre" or "nacimiento" and it also means  Nativity secene 

Estrella de Navidad is Christmas star.

Árbol de Navidad is a really use word at Christmas in Spain, and is Christmas tree. But, abeto is fir. 

Guirnaldas para decorar el árbol de Navidad are garlands to decorate the christmas tree. Balls are also placed to decorate the tree, and they are balls of adornment.

El calcetín de Navidad is the Christmas stocking, although it is not widely used in Spain. 

Luces de Navidad /areChristmas lights. 

El aguinaldo, is the tip given to children at Christmas, its means Christmas box.

Villancicos are Christmas carols .

El muñeco de nieve is the Snowman.

Renos are the reindeers; trineo is sled and nieve is snow.

Niño Jesús is Baby Jesus.

The sweets are: turrón is Nougat, mazapán is also marzipan, polvorones ares dry floury sweets.

Pandereta is tambourine and zambomba is a kind of drum.

¡Feliz Navidad y feliz año nuevo!: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We invite you to continue practicing your Spanish and learn these typical words at Christmas.

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