How is the DELE exam for school children?

The DELE Spanish language diploma is an official accredited qualification that reflects the degree of competence and mastery of the Spanish language. It is awarded by the Instituto Cervantes, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

If you are learning Spanish in Madrid, you should know the DELE exam. This will be the one that accredits your command of the language in front of possible companies.

The DELE exams follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the Manual for linking exams to the CEFR. Both belong to the Council of Europe.

What are the DELE exam for students of Spanish?

The Instituto Cervantes has two possible exams available for students between the ages of 11 and 17. On the one hand, the DELE A1 and a DELE A2/B1 exam from the Common European Framework of Reference.

The student can take the DELE exam in one of the two convocations offered by the Instituto Cervantes per year. For this purpose, it has more than 1000 examination centres around the world. Both in the general DELE exams and in the school exams, the DELE Spanish Diplomas have official validity, indefinite validity and international recognition, so they will not only be valid in Spain.

DELE diplomas are very prestigious. Besides being important among educational institutions and authorities, both public and private. They are also very important in chambers of commerce. It is a guarantee of language skills.

DELE diplomas have been adopted by educational authorities and official schools. This official certificate facilitates job promotion and access to education.

More than DELE exam for all students

In Spain, DELE diplomas are recognized by national, regional and local institutions. For example,  the Spanish Ministry of Justice: DELE A2 or higher for the requirement of knowledge of Spanish in application processes for Spanish nationality for people from non-Spanish speaking countries or territories.

It is also recognized by the Ministry of Health: DELE C1 or C2 for access to MIR, FIR places. More information about specialized health training.

General State Administration and public bodies. The diplomas in Spanish (DELE exam) are considered sufficient proof of competence in Spanish for any professional or academic activity in Spain for which the corresponding level of competence is required.

It is also important to know that, for example, in France, DELE diplomas are recognized by the French Ministry of Education.

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