Frequently ask questions for DELE exam

If you are learning Spanish, surely one of your objectives is to take the DELE Exam. The DELE Spanish diplomas are official qualifications that accredit your level of knowledge and mastery of Spanish. They are awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

More and more companies are looking for people with several languages. To prove your knowledge, a diploma is essential. At Academia Contacto we have a DELE Preparation course that will help you prepare perfectly to achieve the best results.

The DELE examinations follow the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the Manual for linking examinations to the CEFR, both works of the Council of Europe.

Let's see what the most frequently asked questions are, if you want to start preparing it. Let's go!

Frequently ask questions for DELE exam

The DELE Exam is an exam that consists of assessing your knowledge and mastery of the Spanish language.

Among the questions that it incorporates we find:

  • Reading Comprehension Test
  • Listening Comprehension Test
  • Test of written expression and interaction
  • Oral expression and interaction test.

If you have taken a DELE preparation course, the exam will be quite easy for you to pass.

Throughout the exam you will pass different tests. On the one hand, they will analyse your reading comprehension. You will have to read several texts and select the correct options. with these questions they seek to know if you understand the written language and if you could manage fluently.

In addition, you will have to write an essay on one of the topics proposed to you. You will also have to answer different questions.

After these tests, you will have to listen to some audios and select the proposed option of all the ones that they provide you.

Finally, you will have to engage in an impromptu conversation with the teacher. Here they will test your ability to have a conversation.

With all these tests, the examiners will put your score to see which of the levels you adapt to.

In order to get the best possible mark, at Academia Contacto we recommend that you attend a DELE preparation course. In this course you will have a small group of classmates. in addition, you will have a teacher who will provide you with the necessary keys and will resolve all your doubts as soon as possible.

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