How to prepare for the A2 DELE exam?

The DELE exam is a Spanish official exam and, good news! You can take it in our school Academia Contacto!

Why should you take the DELE A2 exam? You will need it if you want to apply for Spanish “nacionalidad”, or just to prove that your Spanish level is really A2.

How is the A2 DELE exam? It consists of 4 parts: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

The first 3 parts will take place in the same morning, a Friday or a Saturday.

  • Reading: 60 minutes (from 9:00 to 10:00)
  • Listening: 40 minutes (from 10:05 to 10:45)
  • Writing: 45 minutes (from 11:15 to 12:00)

Total: 2 hours 25 minutes with a break of 30 minutes from 10:45 to 11:15

For the fourth part (speaking), you’ll receive an appointment from your examination center to take this part of the exam at a specific timetable.

For the speaking, you’ll have 12 minutes to prepare the first two tasks of the oral exam. After that, you’ll enter in the examination room, introduce the first two tasks to an examiner and have a conversation with him/her about an improvised third task (total: 12 minutes)

How many points do I need to pass the exam? The maximum is 100 points.

The different tests are grouped together as follows:

  • Group I: Reading comprehension (25 points) and Writing (25 points): 50 points.
  • Group II: Listening comprehension (25 points) and Speaking (25 points): 50 points.

60% is required in each group to pass the exam (it means 30 points out of 50 in each group to pass the exam)

The Instituto Cervantes will communicate you the test results in approximately three months after the exam date.

Remember our school Academia Contacto is an official examination center.

What is the price of the A2 DELE exam? The A2 DELE exam costs 130 € in 2021.

When can I take the A2 DELE exam? In this link, you can see the next dates to take the exam:

Be careful! You have to apply in advance (deadline is around 2 months before the exam date)

Where to apply for A2 DELE exam?

You can apply online in this link:

Did we tell you that we are a DELE examination center? (FEDELE ACADEMIA CONTACTO) so you can do the exam with us.

You can contact us for more details (, by phone: + 34 913 64 24 54 or WhatsApp: +34 655 956 811)

How to prepare for the A2 DELE exam?

You can take some classes with us: group lessons to reach the level and individual lessons in order to know better the structure of the exam and get ready. Remember that we also offer online lessons. You can apply here for one of our courses:

In the Instituto Cervantes website, you can find all the details about the A2 DELE exam:



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