Get ready for the A2 DELE exam

Our school Academia Contacto is an official examination center.  Let's see everything about the A2 DELE exam. The first thing you have to know is that the exam consists of four parts. On the official examination day you’ll take the first three parts for 2 hours and 55 minutes (including 30 minutes break).

This is the timetable of the A2 DELE exam:

Reading from 9:00 to 10:00 (60 minutes)

Listening from 10:05 to 10:45 (40 minutes)

Break for 30 minutes

Writing from 11:15 to 12:00 (45 minutes)

And in the fourth part of the exam, you’ll have to prove your speaking skills with an oral test.

The examination center will send you an email to inform you about the day and hour of the exam.

For all the exam parts, you’ll need to bring all the documents we specify in the confirmation email, like your passport. It’s very important to be able to do this official exam.

For the oral part, after identification, a member of the examination center will guide you to a room and will explain you the different tasks and you’ll have 12 minutes to prepare them. After these 12 minutes of preparation, you’ll enter in the examination room with 2 examiners and the exam will last another 12 minutes.

In the oral part, there are 3 tasks:

For the first task, you choose one of the topics offered and you’ll talk about this topic for 3 minutes.

For the second one, you’ll have to describe a picture.

And, for the third task, you’ll have a conversation with the examiner about a situation (related to the picture you described).

If you have any questions, you can contact us by mail, by phone or what’s app.

In the website of Instituto Cervantes, you can find exam models for each level, to help you to become/get familiar with the exam contents of the desired level (A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2)

You can find them in this link:

In this link, you can see all the information to apply with Instituto Cervantes:

Dates for A2 DELE exam

The next dates to do the A2 DELE exam in 2021 are:

10.09.2021 (deadline to enroll: 14.7.21)

08.10.21 (deadline to enroll: 25.08.21)

13.11.21 (deadline to enroll: 06.10.21)

Remember our school Academia Contacto is an official examination center.

Now, for sure, you’re ready to pass the exam! Go for it!


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