
Celebrate Chinese New Year in Usera (Madrid)

Chinese New Year The celebration of the Chinese New Year, which dates back more than 4,000 years, is algo present in Madrid. Each year, Madrid City Council joins in the Chinese New Year celebrations with an extensive programme of activities for all tastes and ages.This programme is organised by the Department for Culture, Tourism and Sport and Usera […]

Do’s and Don’ts when celebrating Chinese New Year in 2025

Do's and don't We love tradition, so after some research we have gathered the do’s and don’ts during this festivity. Our Chinese students from the one-to-one Spanish classes, and Conversation groups have confirmed this information, so here it goes:Do’s and Don’tsDO’SNew clothes for the New Year! It’s the perfect time to do away with the old and wear […]

Christmas food for this time + Typical Christmas vocabulary

Christmas food Do you like Christmas? In this post we are going to talk about Christmas food and vocabulary.VocabularyDo you have Spanish friends or family, and wish to congratulate them in Christmas time? Here we have for you Christmas vocabulary you need to learn: ¡Feliz Navidad! (Merry Christmas!), ¡Feliz Año nuevo! (Happy New Year!), ¡Te deseo un […]

10 most remarkable Spanish artworks

f there is something for which Spain is known around the world is, without a doubt, for its culture. Especially that related to the Fine Arts. And our country has given much and good. In this blog post we take a tour of the most famous Spanish artworks. Those that have decisively influenced the History […]

Making the most of rainy days to practice Spanish

rainy days The weather in Spain is usually nice and pleasant, but in autumn or winter rain is more frequent in the region. If you are a student of Intensive Spanish in a group in Madrid, you can take advantage of the rainy days to learn more about the different aspects of the course: grammar, vocabulary, oral […]
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