
What is the best Spanish accent?

best spanish accent This is a tricky question, since every Spanish resident will answer something different. We are not here to take any position on which is the best Spanish accent, so what we will do for our Spanish Courses in Madrid, is to list all the accents that we can, to explain them to you.Dialecto andaluz, Dialecto […]

Difficulties with the ñ in Spanish

Difficulties with the ñ añejo (very old, mature)cariñoso (loving, affectionate)castaño (chestnut-colored)ceñido (tight-fitting)dañino (harmful)desaliñado (scruffy)estreñido (constipated)extraño (strange)What do all these adjectives have in common? They contain the letter Ñ. This peculiar letter carries a history full of curiosity, fascination and we are not surprised: it’s so singular; it only exists in the Spanish language!Many students who come to our Intensive […]

Best English-Spanish dictionaries

dictionaries With a Little Help from My Friends: the dictionaries!If you are a Beatles fan, you will know that sometimes we need a little help from our friends. This time, we want to delve into the importance of buying a good dictionary when you start learning a new language. If you are an English speaker, and […]

How to memorise quickly Spanish words?

memorise quickly A great method to memorise quickly Spanish words is to first write down those which you are unfamiliar with, whether that be during a conversation, during a class or when watching a TV show. The simple act of writing something down is proven to facilitate its memorise quickly Spanish. To further commit terms to memory using […]
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