
Difficulties with the ñ in Spanish

Difficulties with the ñ añejo (very old, mature)cariñoso (loving, affectionate)castaño (chestnut-colored)ceñido (tight-fitting)dañino (harmful)desaliñado (scruffy)estreñido (constipated)extraño (strange)What do all these adjectives have in common? They contain the letter Ñ. This peculiar letter carries a history full of curiosity, fascination and we are not surprised: it’s so singular; it only exists in the Spanish language!Many students who come to our Intensive […]

Best English-Spanish dictionaries

dictionaries With a Little Help from My Friends: the dictionaries!If you are a Beatles fan, you will know that sometimes we need a little help from our friends. This time, we want to delve into the importance of buying a good dictionary when you start learning a new language. If you are an English speaker, and […]

How to memorise quickly Spanish words?

memorise quickly A great method to memorise quickly Spanish words is to first write down those which you are unfamiliar with, whether that be during a conversation, during a class or when watching a TV show. The simple act of writing something down is proven to facilitate its memorise quickly Spanish. To further commit terms to memory using […]
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